Mentor Program

An Introduction by our Mentor Ambassador

This program is an exclusive community for IT, digital or transformation executives working at healthcare systems

If you are an executive working for a healthcare system, we invite to apply to join the Mentor Program. Please note that this is for executives at healthcare systems only.

Apply To Join The Mentor Program

What Is the healthlaunchpad Mentor Program?
An exclusive community for healthcare executives run by healthcare executives 

The healthaunchpad Mentor Program is an exclusive community for technology and operational leaders from healthcare. It's a community of thought leaders. The mentor program is created to take advantage of your hard earned knowledge and share it with your peers and with companies who are making a difference in healthcare.

As a member of the healthaunchpad Mentor Program, you will be part of a peer network. We will  host monthly educational webinars on topics selected by you, the mentors. We will also have focused mastermind sessions where you and your peers exchange ideas and seek advice. We will send out a newsletter with a schedule of those webinars and mastermind sessions, as well as links to relevant articles from across the internet. These will be saved in the Learning Center.

Another benefit of being involved in the healthaunchpad Mentor Program is the opportunity to promote yourself on LinkedIn.

We willl send you recaps of the events so you can share those and further demonstrate your thought leadership in healthcare. You will also be invited to give feedback on new technology solutions from carefully selected vendors. These solutions from both startups and established companies are just the innovation we need for the future of healthcare.

 If you are interested in being considered to be a mentor, please complete the form and we will reach out and talk to you more about the program.

As a Mentor What Is Expected?

Once per year, you will be asked to identify your top challenges and solutions you may be considering. Over the course of the year, you will be invited to review 6 new solutions that address your challenges. These are conducted as recorded 1:1 phone calls with a moderator and the vendor. You can decline to participate in an interview if it is not appropriate.  You can participate in additional interviews at your option.

These presentations are of carefully selected new solutions, including relevant solutions from startups and more established companies from outside healthcare or healthcare technologies that are already proven in other countries.  All that is expected is that you share insights and perspectives with these companies.

For your involvement, you may receive an optional fee for each vendor review, paid directly to you or to a charity of your choice. In the long-term, mentors may be invited to join a vendor’s board of advisors or directors.

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